Current City Episode #23 Portland: Wim Wenders (2012), radio documentary, 29:38
Current City Episode #23 Portland: Wim Wenders (2012), radio documentary, 29:38
Current City Episode #22 Barcelona: La Raval (2012), radio documentary, 29:33
Current City Episode #22 Barcelona: La Raval (2012), radio documentary, 29:33
Current City Episode #14 Taipei (2011), radio documentary, 29:50
Current City Episode #14 Taipei (2011), radio documentary, 29:50
Current City Episode #21 Berlin: Kinshasa Symphony (2011), radio documentary, 29:52
Current City Episode #21 Berlin: Kinshasa Symphony (2011), radio documentary, 29:52
Current City Episode #7 Stockholm: Roy Andersson (2009), radio documentary, 31:09
Current City Episode #7 Stockholm: Roy Andersson (2009), radio documentary, 31:09
Current City Episode #3 Oslo: Captain Credible (2009), radio documentary, 27:35
Current City Episode #3 Oslo: Captain Credible (2009), radio documentary, 27:35
Current City Episode #23 Portland: Wim Wenders (2012), radio documentary, 29:38 Current City Episode #23Portland: Wim Wenders on PinaW+K Radio“In my fiction films, sometimes I’d make itin a very much like documentary nature. Mydocumentary films like Buena Vista Social Club...I really thought I was doing a music documentary,and only when I was in the editing room that itdawned on me that I was editing a fairy tale.”Wim Wenders, legendary German film directorwho was in Portland, Oregon for one day on thefilm tour for “Pina”, a tribute to the late Germanchoreographer Pina Bausch as her dancers performher most famous creations.
Current City Episode #22 Barcelona: La Raval (2012), radio documentary, 29:33Current City Episode #22Barcelona: La RavalW+K Radio“Do you know why old apartment buildings that were builtin the 1800s have huge, castle-sized front doors? If you lookcarefully, these doors have two door knockers. One of them isreally high up...too high for an average-height person to reachwhile standing. The reason why it’s so high was because horsesused to be kept in the interiors of the city blocks...The courtyardof the block used to have stables for horses. That’s the reasonwhy the doors are so big. And the reason for having a higherdoor knocker was so that you wouldn’t have to get off the horseto knock.”Rafael Gomez-Morina, a Spanish-Canadian architectwho teaches architecture in Barcelona.
Current City Episode #14 Taipei (2011), radio documentary, 29:50 Current City Episode #14Taipei: My Old HoodW+K Radio“Coming back home without a home...I definitely feeluprooted and displaced. But the city is still so familiar...It’s strange that the place we used to live looks the same butpeople have moved on...I guess that’s the nature of life.”Being a first-generation immigrant in the U.S.from Taiwan (since 1989), I documented oneof my visits to my hometown-Taipei, with mymother, who now also resides in the U.S.
Current City Episode #21 Berlin: Kinshasa Symphony (2011), radio documentary, 29:52 Current City Episode #21Berlin: Kinshasa SymphonyW+K Radio“Isn’t that amazing that Congolese musicians didsomething wonderful that brought us together in Berlin?”Martin Baer, German director of KinshasaSymphony, a documentary about how residentsof Kinshasa (capital city of Congo) formeda 200-piece orchestra and chorus in spite ofhardship in their lives.
Current City Episode #7 Stockholm: Roy Andersson (2009), radio documentary, 31:09 Current City Episode #7Stockholm: Roy AnderssonW+K Radio“It usually takes me four years to produce a feature film...each scene takes about a month to shoot and we normallyshoot 30 times for each scene...What I want is authenticity.Every man/woman is an actor/actress in life. In Sweden,we have maybe 10,000 actors, but we have many millions ofordinary people, so there’s a bigger source to choose actors fromand everyone can be an actor...that’s my philosophy.”Roy Andersson, legendary Swedish film director(a household name in Scandinavia) who hasdirected 400+ commercials and four epic featurefilms since 1967, including Songs from the Second Floor(2000).
Current City Episode #3 Oslo: Captain Credible (2009), radio documentary, 27:35Current City Episode #3 Oslo: Captain Credible (2009)W+K Radio“Creative ideas like what sound device I should design nextusually pop up when I am doing other things, really. Today,I included to my arsenal a cowbell switch so I can switch tocowbell anytime during the song by pushing a little roboticarm on the microphone stand that plays the cowbell in timewith the music because I often think there should be morecowbell in my songs.”Daniel Lacey-McDermot, aka Captain Credible,a one-man electronic music band with a dozenhomemade sound devices.
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